AKWAABA! Welcome. In my 3rd post of our visions of Ghana, I’ll take you on a tour of the houses, schools and markets. During the first 2 weeks of our trip, we had the opportunity to stay in a very rural area and see first hand the everyday life of Ghanaians in this area. We visited the local villages, met with 3 village Chiefs (called a Nana) and their families, bought grocery from the market & cooked traditional Ghanaian dishes. When visiting a new place, the tourist attractions are nice but the real vibrations of the area & the people is what I enjoy most. We were welcomed and treated like family by everyone we met. Instantly, I became a Sister to the Ladies at the market. Everyone of my newly found sisters gave me lessons in Twi. They did get a good laugh as I struggled to pronounce some of the words. The houses in Ghana are constructed out of mud or cement block, keeping them cool on the inside. Depending on what area you are in, electricity is available. We saw mansions spread out on the mountain sides and we saw mud houses without running water & electricity. Enjoy the pics of all these types of houses. It was a pleasant sight to see so many school children dressed in colorful uniforms. As we walked thru one school yard, I did get the attention of a few students who came to the window to see the “visitor”. I captured my favorite photo at this school. Check it out below. Shopping in Ghana is on another level!!! Mr. Benoit was happy I couldn’t hang (save some $$$). LOL Enjoy the Visions of Ghana. Peace n Blessings AKWAABA!! This means “welcome” in Twi (language of the Akan people) and it is the greeting used to say hello. Today we will take another trip to Ghana West Africa and I invite you to come along. I am taking you to Kakum National Forest to walk amongst the tree tops and You will also climb a mountain with us. The Kakum National Park is made up of mostly undisturbed virgin rainforest and is one of the most famous national parks in Ghana. Kakum National Park is situated about 20 miles north of Cape Coast, Central Regional capital and about 105 miles from Accra. It covers an area of 218 miles (including Assin Attandanso Resource Reserve). The vegetation type is Moist evergreen rainforest with tall hardwood trees up 213 feet in height. The park is enriched with different species of wildlife including 40 species of mammals (forest elephants, buffalo, leopard, bongo, yellow backed duiker, red river hog, primates), over 200 species of birds, large number of reptiles and amphibians, over 400 species of butterflies. 99 feet and 131 feet high canopy walkway suspended between trees and from which different species of birds and butterflies can be observed. Also, from the canopy walkway, the structure of the forest canopy can be appreciated. It was an amazing experience. The mountain we climbed is located in the Brong Ahafo Region. The Brong Ahafo region is located in the center of Ghana. The area is a rich agricultural area and many of the families are farmers. It was a 3 hour hike in total, on a breezy, HOT day and my first mountain climb. I didn’t get any pictures at the top because my camera battery died. REALLY!!!! Enjoy! Bryant and I journeyed to the Motherland in November. Our journey to Ghana, West Africa was the most life-altering, eye-opening experience in all my days on Earth. Before the trip, I knew so little of Africa (although I had vivid fantasies in my mind). These fantasies are now replaced with memories of our real experiences, the visions, sounds, smells and beautiful people of Africa.
We spent 3 weeks in Ghana, starting and ending in Accra, the capital city of Ghana. In addition to spending time in the bustling metropolis of Accra (population over 2 million), we spent time in the bush, the forest, the coast, the ocean, the lake, on a mountain and in the 2nd largest city in Ghana. We want to share some of our “Visions of Ghana” with you. We will take you on a tour of Ghana, thru my camera lense, in a series of posts. I will begin were we began our journey, Accra. Enjoy!! There are a lot of catch-phrases and slogans around the word DREAM.
L ive Your Dreams Making Dreams Come True Dream a Little Dream I have a Dream What does all of this mean? How many of us actually dream? Definition of DREAM by Merriam-Webster 1: a series of thoughts, images, or emotions occurring during sleep — compare REM SLEEP 2: an experience of waking life having the characteristics of a dream: as a : a visionary creation of the imagination : DAYDREAM b : a state of mind marked by abstraction or release from reality : REVERIE c : an object seen in a DREAMLIKE state : VISION 3: something notable for its beauty, excellence, or enjoyable quality 4: a strong desired goal or purpose So I decided to ask myself, am I awake when I’m dreaming or am I asleep when I’m dreaming. Call me crazy, but…… the answer I came up with is this. The images, thoughts, ideas and places visited in my dreams are real. Why? Because the thought I had was actually a thought and that makes it a real thought. The image I saw was actually an image and when I recall that image, the image has been brought to reality. Even when the image is only in my mind, it is still defined as an image, making it real. So are dreams real? Can we live our dreams? Do we live our dreams? When do you realize your dreams are real? Can we manifest those images, thoughts, ideas, dreams into the physical? I have been living in dreams and recently realized it. Or should I say, “recently came to overstand it”. When Bryant started painting, I was in awe of the beauty he created on canvas. The images he manifested into the physical from thoughts, images, ideas, dreams, and put onto canvas for me to see, just amazed me. I knew immediately that these thoughts, images, ideas, dreams made real needed to be shared with others. They needed to be seen by more than just me. So right then, I had a thought, image, idea, dream to promote Bryant’s artwork for others to see. A dream to get these amazing paintings out to the public. That thought, image, idea, dream manifested into a business, Benoit Gallery. Benoit Gallery has grown so much over the past 4 years. During these last 4 years, I have witnessed many thoughts, images, ideas, dreams made real and manifested into fruition. It’s like watching a movie and living it at the same time. Like a dream…. So for me, my dreams are real. I just had to open my eye to see it. You are what you think. If you think it, you can manifest it (or make it real). There is so much power in this law, written by the Universe. Realizing, Respecting and Overstanding this power is life-altering. It changed my life. Daily, I continue to learn how to use my powers, taught to me by the Universe. My dream is to use my powers for the betterment of myself, my family, my people and humanity. Walk into your dream and live it. Peace and blessings…. We are excited about our newest offering from Benoit Gallery, ORGANIC CREOLE SPICE – A RECIPE FOR HEALTH & HAPPINESS VOLUME 1!!!
This recipe book is filled with healthy recipes that taste great! Juices, smoothies, salads, sandwiches, pastas, pizza, meat & seafood dishes and naturally sweet deserts. Written by Joey and illustrated by Bryant, this is our first artistic collaboration. The book is illustrated with 13 full-page images. A great addition to your kitchen décor!! $20.00 per copy, free shipping. Order online @ https://squareup.com/market/benoit-gallery-llc In November 2012, Bryant and I were invited to participate in a community revitalization day festival, the Paint McComb-Veazey Wonderful Street Painting Festival. I knew this was a perfect opportunity to serve our community and bring beauty to the lives of our brothers and sisters thru art. The project was sponsored by the neighborhood coterie. A cohesive group of talented and caring neighbors, who bonded together to make their homes and lives better, not only for themselves but for all residents of the neighborhood. The initiative is a long term commitment for the coterie, local businesses and residents of McComb-Veazey. The day’s events included the painting of a street mural by kids and residents of the community, live expressions of art thru poetry readings, gospel and hip hop artists performances, motivational speakers and vendors offering handcrafted items. I was blessed to meet so many talented people in one place: artists, singers and recording artists, a playwright, educators and historians. I didn’t meet these brothers and sisters on “Main Street” America. I met them on “Real Street” America. All, so very passionate and driven in their talent. Working on plans, dreams and projects to bring those dreams to reality. It’s a beautiful thing. The spirit of the day moved me. It was a spirit of unity and community. When you lift yourself up first, you can then lift up others around you. We must support ourselves and our own. Each one of us elevating to our true potential. That’s the way to build a strong community that thrives. Peace to you McComb-Veazey… Joey Benoit |